Dwana transitioned this earthly life on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Her memory lives on through her daughters: Latise Roper (Teraine), Michelle Roper (Kevin), Jennifer Roper, Tynisha Waters (Darrion); her sons: Michael Henry (Amina) and Earl Roper Jr.; two honorary children: Nikeaya Clark (Derrick) and Tonesia Jackson; her grandchildren: Theodore, Aquia, Isis, Nazya, Morgan, Powah, Zawadi, and Kadir; her great-grandchild: Jayce; her brother: Michael Saunders; her sister: Regina Mitchum (Charles); and her uncle: Joseph Houchins. She is also survived by her former spouse, Earl Roper Sr., and a host of beloved friends and family. Dwana was preceded in death by her parents, Ethel Mae Alexander and James Abraham Saunders.